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發表於 2018-8-20 17:59:01 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
  Moms are known for feeding us and making us the most scrumptious meals. Pay extra attention to her when she cooks: the way she measures the seasonings, the way she cuts the meat, the way she arranges the table. This Mother’s Day, tell your mom to stay out of the kitchen. Just say you got this, as she watches you do everything the way she does it.
  3. Bring Mom Out to Her Favorite Place
  Of course, moms can also be, well, persistent. “Come home right after!” “Clean your room!” “Drive slowly!” Our moms would nag us over the little things – it can sometimes annoy us. But every word of caution or reminder is actually her way of loving and protecting us.
  Moms can be a bit unrelenting in their constant reminders. But maybe that’s because you don’t listen. What better way to let her know you do actually listen to her and take every reminder she tells you to heart than a video of you doing everything she tells you to do?
  If there’s anyone who deserve pampering, surely it’s our hardworking mom! Surely you know her favorite hangout? Her favorite nail color polish? Surprise and impress her with all these knowledge of her personal favorites and you will surely bring a wide smile to her face.
  在這個母親節,瑞士三角牌巧克力給了你一個這樣的機會,板橋通水管,可以讓你對她做出一個承諾的同時沉浸在帶有蜂蜜和杏仁糖的瑞士牛奶巧克力中。送給她限量版的母親節禮物!讓這個母親節成為最難忘的一天。 瑞士三角牌巧克力推出了一個空白的包裝,你可以在這裏面寫下承諾,承諾做一件她一直在要求你做的事情!比如打掃你的房間,或者一直准時。
  4. Show Her You’ve Been Paying Attention Enough to Cook Her Favorite Meal
  These thoughtful and creative gift ideas will surely make our mother’s feel extra special on her big day. This Mother’s Day, let us #BeMoreImaginative and take the opportunity to show how grateful we are to our mothers. By putting thought and love into our gift to her, we can make this Mother’s Day her most memorable one yet.
  1. Make a Thoughtful Promise Using Toblerone Limited Edition Mother’s Day Blank Packs
  Imagine this: Rich, creamy Swiss Milk Chocolate, coupled with your thoughtful promise that’s written on a beautifully designed pack – this is the perfect, heartfelt gift that will make this Mother’s day the most thoughtful yet!
  This Mother’s Day, make your mom feel extra special through thoughtful gifting. Remind her how much you love her with these thoughtful and imaginative gifts:
  This Mother’s Day, why not make DIY coupons committing to help her with some of the chores she’s been nagging you to do! Think of all the things your mom has been asking you to do for the longest time. It could be a coupon for doing the dishes, walking the dog, or picking up some groceries. List them all down and make the corresponding coupons! You can even put these onto the Toblerone packs too!
  Our moms may constantly nag us, but they only want what’s best for us. What better way to reciprocate this love than to make a pledge and show her you’ve been listening to her?
  2. Make a Homemade Video Showing You DO Listen to Her
  These limited edition packs are beautifully designed by the brand’s newest ambassador, Kris Aquino. They come in a variety of beautiful designs that will surely surprise and bring joy to your mom.
  This Mother’s Day, Toblerone gives you the chance to make a thoughtful promise to your mom, and at the same time let her indulge in Swiss Milk Chocolate with Honey and Almond Nougat. Make this Mother’s day the most memorable by gifting her with the limited edition Toblerone Mother’s Day pack! The Toblerone has a blank pack for you to write a promise to start doing the things she’s been asking you to do! It could be a promise to clean your room or to always be on time.
  Moms are special. From day one, they’ve protected, provided for, and nurtured us. Since then, they would shower us with love and affection, while making sure that we get the best things in life. If this isn’t unconditional love, then what is?
  5. “It’s on me” coupons

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